The Vegas Diaries by Holly Madison
Previous review on Holly Madison's first book:
"Girlfriend Number 1"
"Playboy Bunny"
"Spoiled Gold Digger"
"Reality-show Bimbo"
"Basic B*tch"
After two publicly failed relationships and leaving the Playboy mansion, Holly Madison picks herself up of the ground she was kicked to and moves onto a new life in Las Vegas.
Single, jobless, and dealing with a tremendous amount of low self worth, Madison was determined to break the labels she felt followed her around.
The Vegas Diaries: Romance, Rolling the Dice, and the Road to Reinvention takes you on Holly's inspiring journey to starting over, achieving your dreams, and living the life you want to live, even when it seems all the odds are against you.
In Holly's first book, Down The Rabbit Hole, I loved the added touch of a quote from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland before starting each chapter. Holly continued this theme for the Vegas Diaries, instead quoting from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. After realizing this I adored how on the cover of this book, Holly resembles Dorothy with a classic blue and white dress and ruby red shoes.
I always felt inspired by Holly after reading her first book Down the Rabbit Hole but this second novel makes me love her so much more. I can connect with her on her emotional issues and admire the life she finally built for herself.
I was a teenger when Holly was afilated with Playboy and her growing career with Peepshow. I never watched either of her reality TV shows, or honestly even knew her name. I never paid enough attention to Playboy or Hugh Hefner because it just wasn't something I was interested in. My first hearing of Holly was her first book release on her experiences with Playboy and I decided to give it a chance because of the popularity I was seeing it get online and the interest customers had for it at the bookstore where I work. I really love Holly Madison as an author. I will always recommend her books and be the first to pick up anything new by her. I am a fan of her writing first and that's how I like to talk about her.
Who is Holly Madison!? She's a bestselling author and one of my favorite writers.
Holly ended this book at such a beautiful and perfect spot. She finally made a dream she mentioned in Down The Rabbit Hole come true!
Last year I voted Down the Rabbit Hole as my number one read of 2015, and it is now also one of my favorite books of all time. The Vegas Diaries tops even that.
My Rating: 5/5 Stars
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