Netflix Show Recommendations

It's no secret that I love Netflix. My boyfriend and I originally got Netflix in 2010 while living in university residence and have had it ever since. We don't have any kind of cable or TV set up, just Netflix. If I'm not reading, Netflix is on. I like the TV on when I'm alone in my apartment when I'm writing, cleaning, cooking, in the bath tub. I like having familiar voices around me which is why I usually rewatch the same few shows. Usually I watch Friends , That 70s Show , The Office (and most recently) Brooklyn Nine-Nine , and I will rewatch them about twice a year. But this post is about Netflix Shows that I want to bring attention to because they were so amazing and want to share some of my current favorite shows with you. Since I already mentioned my core 4 shows, they will not be included in this list. *All description from the shows come from either Netflix CA or Wikipedia. Here are my TV show recommendations on Netflix Canada:...